VirtualBox is an awesome virtual machine you can use to virtually install different operating system. However, the drivers associated with VirtualBox can be a pain in the @$$. Sometimes they don’t work properly and need to be reinstalled; sometimes you want to remove them but they don’t uninstall properly; whatever. The point is there are times when you want to manually uninstall/remove/delete VirtualBox drivers because simply uninstalling VirtualBox doesn’t do it for you. This guide shows you exactly how to remove these drivers on Windows.
Hi, I'm running VirtualBox 5.0.12 on Mac OS X El Capitan. I have a flash drive that I'm trying to use within Windows 10, but Windows says there's a 'driver error' that it was unable to fix. I think it tried a driver installation. The VBox TV Gateway is a revolutionary device that sits on your home network and streams your favorite TV channels to your connected devices. Simply plug your Satellite, Antenna/Terrestrial or Cable TV feeds directly to the VBox to watch and record Local digital broadcast TV in broadcast-quality, across your home. User Manual - Change Log - 4.3.22 wrote: Windows Additions: prevent VBox WDDM driver from loading if host reports weak OpenGL capabilities. 3D content now can be shown over Remote Desktop connection. I also found this, but surely this is just an oversight (manual not updated), because Win8 and later is AFAIK almost unusable without WDDM drivers.

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Note: This is a fairly safe process but be sure to backup your files in case something messes up.
There are four drivers VirtualBox installs on Windows and sometimes does not properly remove when you uninstall VirtualBox: Support driver, Host-Only Network Adapter driver, Bridged Networking driver, and USB Monitor driver.
To uninstall, delete, or remove these VirtualBox drivers, do the following:
- Open My Computer and navigate to C:WindowsSystem32drivers.
- Once in C:Windowssystem32drivers, find and delete these five files:
- vboxdrv.sys
- vboxnetadp.sys
- vboxnetflt.sys
- vboxusbmon.sys
- vboxusb.sys
Take note that, if you have already uninstalled VirtualBox, you may not have all five of these files. Delete whichever ones that are there.

- Close the C:Windowssystem32drivers window.
- Open Registry Editor (regedit). This can be done by pressing Win + R on your keyboard, typing “regedit” (without the quotes) in the Run dialog box that opens, and then clicking OK. If you are Vista, Win7, or Win8, you will also have to confirm UAC prompt.
- In regedit, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetservices.
- In HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetservices, look for five folders:
- VBoxDrv
- VBoxNetAdp
- VBoxNetFlt
- VBoxUSBMon
Right-click each of these folders and click Delete. Make sure you delete all five but do take note, if you have already uninstalled VirtualBox, you may not find all five folders. Delete whichever ones you find.
- Close regedit.
- Restart your computer.
- Done!
Once you do all the above, you have successfully removed VirtualBox drivers from your computer.

Enjoy life without annoying VirtualBox drivers.
[Thanks climenole!]
VirtualBox is an awesome virtual machine you can use to virtually install different operating system. However, the drivers associated with VirtualBox can be a pain in the @$$. Sometimes they don’t work properly and need to be reinstalled; sometimes you want to remove them but they don’t uninstall properly; whatever. The point is there are times when you want to manually uninstall/remove/delete VirtualBox drivers because simply uninstalling VirtualBox doesn’t do it for you. This guide shows you exactly how to remove these drivers on Windows.
Note: This is a fairly safe process but be sure to backup your files in case something messes up.
There are four drivers VirtualBox installs on Windows and sometimes does not properly remove when you uninstall VirtualBox: Support driver, Host-Only Network Adapter driver, Bridged Networking driver, and USB Monitor driver.
To uninstall, delete, or remove these VirtualBox drivers, do the following:
- Open My Computer and navigate to C:WindowsSystem32drivers.
- Once in C:Windowssystem32drivers, find and delete these five files:
- vboxdrv.sys
- vboxnetadp.sys
- vboxnetflt.sys
- vboxusbmon.sys
- vboxusb.sys
Take note that, if you have already uninstalled VirtualBox, you may not have all five of these files. Delete whichever ones that are there.
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- Close the C:Windowssystem32drivers window.
- Open Registry Editor (regedit). This can be done by pressing Win + R on your keyboard, typing “regedit” (without the quotes) in the Run dialog box that opens, and then clicking OK. If you are Vista, Win7, or Win8, you will also have to confirm UAC prompt.
- In regedit, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetservices.
- In HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetservices, look for five folders:
- VBoxDrv
- VBoxNetAdp
- VBoxNetFlt
- VBoxUSBMon

Right-click each of these folders and click Delete. Make sure you delete all five but do take note, if you have already uninstalled VirtualBox, you may not find all five folders. Delete whichever ones you find.
- Close regedit.
- Restart your computer.
- Done!
Vbox Communication Driver Download For Windows 10 64
Once you do all the above, you have successfully removed VirtualBox drivers from your computer.
Enjoy life without annoying VirtualBox drivers.
Vbox Communication Driver Download For Windows 10 32-bit

Vbox Communication Driver Download For Windows 10 64-bit
[Thanks climenole!]